We make sure that all IHVN policies take into cognizance both local legislations and donor requirements. This guarantees that grants’ businesses are conducted in an effective and efficient manner, financial risks are reduced, and control systems are strong enough to safeguard the Institute’s operations and assets.
The department is also responsible for collating and reviewing all guidelines developed within the organization to ensure that such policies are strong enough to prevent and control errors, fraud and financial misstatements, whether intentional or non-intentional. We review all financial transactions emanating from central, regional and state offices, implementing facilities and sub- awardees to ensure compliance with set procedures.
There are two units in the department namely: Operation & Process/ Compliance Unit and System Strengthening/ Internal Audit Unit.
Each of these segments ensures full compliance with the Institute and donor policies and procedures guiding financial transactions.

Staff of the Internal Audit and Compliance Department participate in an annual departmental retreat to review their activities.
We also work closely with financial consultants engaged to enhance the capacity of accountants in supported facilities for acceptable, error free financial returns to the Institute.
Through pre and post transactional reviews, we have prevented transactions that would have led to audit queries from either the external auditors or donors. This has resulted in high rating in complying with donors’ requirements and standards.
Some achievements of this department include:
- Carried out pre and post review activities, which have:
- Reduced external audit queries
- Assured donors to grant more awards to the Institute
- Strengthened internal controls and processes.
- Reduced loss of donors’ funds by ensuring competitive bidding and procurement processes.
- Increased capacities of partners, funding sub-recipients and sub-sub recipients in rendering good and acceptable financial returns.
- Enhanced value for money in managing all supported health facilities and laboratories
- Made the Institute’s Audit Committee of the Board of Directors to be effective and efficient.